Thursday, October 19, 2006

Day 5 - The road to Kintampo took us higher in elevation and to a much greener area of Ghana. The road was bumpy but they are actively working on it. When we got here we met Jeremiah, Chief administrator who could barely remember we were coming. My first impressions of the hospital was are you sure this is a hospital? There were chickens and goats running through the yard and the layout made me think it was not a hospital. But as you look at the surroundings you realize this works here. Just a stark difference from the US. We went to the Internet cafe on the hospital site and got Mark to help us get our laptops online. Significant thing here is that he actually had a list of available IP addresses and had to key it into our computer. After touring around we left for the day and came to our residence. Elizabeth let us in and showed us the accommodations. They are still pretty new she said they went up in Feb of this year. I made mention of the rain yesterday because right now it is coming down really hard, I don't mind though because we are in mandatory power outage...Yes you heard me manual power outage. This is something they go through ever 36 hours, 12 hours off from 6pm-6am then on for 24 hours and then off for 12. This is normal for them and something they all deal with. I can not believe it as I sit here an type to a rechargeable lantern. I figured is this does not help me study then nothing will. The good thing is the hospital is no longer affected because of the GE generator. It kicks on immediately when the power goes out. Frank lent me his digital camera so I have been taking some shots with it. I Will send them tomorrow. Well deciding to study right now, don't know how much but since I have nothing else to do and it is 7:30pm. I might as well.

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